By Dr. Nathan Baxter, Executive Leadership Coach

I try not to get too annoyed when I come across coaches and coaching firms that are simply sloppy in their work. It simply doesn’t need to be that way. Clients come to us offering up a portion of their life trusting us to deliver helpful advise and guidance to get them to the next level of living.

I believe it is a sacred trust and we should genuinely offer them our very best in return.

On our coaching application at LSLO we ask our new clients if they have ever experienced an engagement with a professional leadership coach. If they indicate that they have then we know we have to investigate as to the content of the coaching, the process, and the overall experience because what we often find is that we have to educate them as to how we work and what they can expect.

Below are some of the core coaching disciplines that I believe every coach should pay attention to so they can keep their coaching edge sharp and consistently deliver coaching excellence to their clients.

  • Discipline of the Discovery Conversation
  • Discipline of Identifying the Coaching Objectives
  • Discipline of Preparation
  • Discipline of Telling the Truth
  • Discipline of Following Up