This course is designed to help those who have completed the YOD workbook and are now interested in coaching others through the YOD steps. The training offered includes the basics of coaching, coaching skills, best practices, and how to develop a coaching business or ministry.

Listen to Dave and Nathan’s Introduction to the Training.
Start your training.
Module 1: YOD Coaching 101
Coaching 101 will guide the student towards building a solid foundation for their coaching practice.
- Lesson 1 — What is coaching and why do people need coaching?
- Lesson 2 — Real Coaching Success defined.
- Lesson 3 — Overview of various coaching methods.
Module 2: YOD Finding Your Coaching Signature
Finding Your Signature Coaching Style will help the student identify their unique way of coaching others based on their coaching vision, motives, values, and their power messages.
- Lesson 1 — The importance of having a coaching signature.
- Lesson 2 — Creating your coaching vision and motives.
- Lesson 3 — Developing your coaching values.
- Lesson 4 — Identifying your power messages.
- Lesson 5 — Finding your signature coaching style.
Module 3: YOD Important Coaching Fundamentals
Important Coaching Fundamentals will teach the student about the fundamentals in coaching that need to be known and followed in order to experience real coaching success.
- Lesson 1 — Coaching begins with self leadership.
- Lesson 2 — Overview of the coaching relationship.
- Lesson 3 — The 3 parts of every coaching session.
- Lesson 4 — How to take notes so they are easy to retrieve and review.
- Lesson 5 — Ending and evaluating a coaching relationship.
Module 4: YOD Core Coaching Skills
Core Coaching Skills will train the student the core coaching skills that are required to effectively coach others.
- Lesson 1 — The skill of asking questions.
- Lesson 2 — The skill of using your emotional intelligence.
- Lesson 3 — The skill of telling the truth.
- Lesson 4 — Closing the coaching gap.
Module 5: YOD Building Your Coaching Toolbox
Building Your Coaching Toolbox will train the student how to use 4 coaching tools that have a proven track record of effectiveness. Additionally, they will be guided on how to build their toolbox that will be used in their coaching practice.
- Lesson 1 — How to use the Finishing Well Diagram.
- Lesson 2 — How to use the Red, Yellow, Green exercise.
- Lesson 3 — How to use the Timeline Exercise.
- Lesson 4 — How to use the Critical Focus List.
- Lesson 5 — Tips for building YOUR coaching toolbox.