May 2024

News to the RCS Network

Be Encouraged / Get Equipped / Go Enjoy


  • Welcome note from Dianne Baxter
  • Our Latest News
  • This month’s Featured Coaching Resource: Webinar — “Navigating Your First 5 Years of Coaching” by Julie Miles
  • Article: “How to Keep Your Coaching Edge” by Dr. Nathan Baxter
  • Short Coaching Thoughts
  • Resources that will encourage and equip you for Real Coaching Success

Note from Dianne Baxter

Nathan and I are just back from Italy where we celebrated our 37th year of marriage and also a special birthday for me. Throughout the trip we reflected on all the wonderful experiences we have had coaching people and how Lead Self Lead Others has grown over the years. We are so grateful that we took the risk and started this business 15 years ago. Little did we know that we would experience such great success and be put in a position to encourage and equip other coaches through Real Coaching Success.

We hope you find an encouraging word or resource in this latest edition of the RCS newsletter. Looking forward to hearing from you over the summer.

Remember, people would love to coach with you but they simply don’t know your name. Join us and others and make some extra efforts to get the word out that you are a terrific coach looking to help others.

Dianne Baxter, CFO (Chief Fun Officer)

Our Latest News

  • Registration for the RCS Coaching Success Workshop opens up on June 1st. Make plans today to join us on October 17-18 in Tulsa, OK.
  • Certification for YOD (Your One Degree) Coaches is now live. Welcome to all our new students!
  • We are developing a new resources that will launch in Spring 2025 that helps churches bring a coaching ministry to their Discipleship efforts.
  • Real Coaching Sips & Tips podcast launches on June 24th. See below.

Another Free Coaching Resource for you: Webinar — Navigating Your First 5 years of Your Coaching by Julie Miles

Julie is one of our favorite success stories. She shares her coaching journey of being coached to becoming a coach. Today she has a thriving coaching business and a full client load. She provides the listener with very practical insights from all that she has learned over the last few years. Learn more about Julie at

How to Keep Your Coaching Edge by Dr. Nathan Baxter

I try not to get annoyed when I come across coaches and coaching firms that are simply sloppy in their work. It simply doesn’t need to be that way. Clients come to us offering a portion of their life trusting us to deliver helpful advice and guidance to get them to the next level of living.

I believe it is a sacred trust and we should genuinely offer them our very best in return.

On our coaching application at Lead Self Lead Others (LSLO), we ask our clients if they have ever experienced an engagement with a professional leadership coach. If they indicate that they have then we know we have to investigate as to the content of the coaching, the process, and the overall experience because what we often find is that we have to educate them as to how we work and what they can expect.

Below are some core coaching disciplines that I believe every coach should pay attention to so that they can keep their coaching edge sharp and consistently deliver coaching excellence to their clients.

  • Discipline of the Discovery Conversation
  • Discipline of Identifying the Coaching Objectives
  • Discipline of Preparation
  • Discipline of Telling the Truth
  • Discipline of Follow Up

I plan to tackle each topic in our newsletters this year.

Have a great month of coaching. People Matter!

RCS Coaching Success Workshop, October 17-18, 2024, at Tulsa Country Club. (Early Bird registration starts on June 1st.)

We are finalizing our list of presenters for 2024. Our plan is to keep a very similar format as last year because of all the positive feedback. Great training + great stories + great conversations.

Last year, Coach Bailey Miles shared his journey into coaching.

Short Coaching Thoughts

Real coaching success is measured by your referrals. Keep pressing for excellence until you get them.

Work to develop the discipline of thinking and working for your client when you are NOT in session.

How consistent are you at working your sales funnel each week?

Real Coaching Sips & Tips Podcast with Nathan & Dianne on June 24th.

The podcast will be a conversation around popular coaching topics including tips, techniques, and tools that will help a coach experience real coaching success. We will also be tying a unique wine during each edition as a fun way to celebrate the uniqueness of every person we coach.

Resources that will encourage and equip you for Real Coaching Success

  • Think.Coach.Pray. is a weekly email resource for coaches who want to tap into their Christian faith to help them experience real coaching success. Sign up today at
  • Real Coaching Success Certification consists of 8 learning modules that contain 4-5 lessons. Also, available is the option to pick and choose just the individual modules that you need. Register today and get started!
  • Read Nathan and Dianne’s book Real Coaching Success if you want their best tips for success. You can find it on Amazon.
  • Real Coaching Success Workshop in Tulsa, OK on October 17-18. Early Bird registration opens June 1st. Save the date!